You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

128 lines

  1. #-------------------------
  2. # Operating Specific Junk Files
  3. #-------------------------
  4. # OS X
  5. .DS_Store
  6. .AppleDouble
  7. .LSOverride
  8. # OS X Thumbnails
  9. ._*
  10. # Windows image file caches
  11. Thumbs.db
  12. ehthumbs.db
  13. Desktop.ini
  14. # Recycle Bin used on file shares
  16. # Windows Installer files
  17. *.cab
  18. *.msi
  19. *.msm
  20. *.msp
  21. # Windows shortcuts
  22. *.lnk
  23. # Linux
  24. *~
  25. # KDE directory preferences
  26. .directory
  27. # Linux trash folder which might appear on any partition or disk
  28. .Trash-*
  29. #-------------------------
  30. # Environment Files
  31. #-------------------------
  32. # These should never be under version control,
  33. # as it poses a security risk.
  34. .env
  35. .vagrant
  36. Vagrantfile
  37. #-------------------------
  38. # Temporary Files
  39. #-------------------------
  40. writable/cache/*
  41. !writable/cache/index.html
  42. writable/logs/*
  43. !writable/logs/index.html
  44. writable/session/*
  45. !writable/session/index.html
  46. writable/uploads/*
  47. !writable/uploads/index.html
  48. writable/debugbar/*
  49. php_errors.log
  50. #-------------------------
  51. # User Guide Temp Files
  52. #-------------------------
  53. user_guide_src/build/*
  54. user_guide_src/cilexer/build/*
  55. user_guide_src/cilexer/dist/*
  56. user_guide_src/cilexer/pycilexer.egg-info/*
  57. #-------------------------
  58. # Test Files
  59. #-------------------------
  60. tests/coverage*
  61. # Don't save phpunit under version control.
  62. phpunit
  63. #-------------------------
  64. # Composer
  65. #-------------------------
  66. vendor/
  67. #-------------------------
  68. # IDE / Development Files
  69. #-------------------------
  70. # Modules Testing
  71. _modules/*
  72. # phpenv local config
  73. .php-version
  74. # Jetbrains editors (PHPStorm, etc)
  75. .idea/
  76. *.iml
  77. # Netbeans
  78. nbproject/
  79. build/
  80. nbbuild/
  81. dist/
  82. nbdist/
  83. nbactions.xml
  84. nb-configuration.xml
  85. .nb-gradle/
  86. # Sublime Text
  87. *.tmlanguage.cache
  88. *.tmPreferences.cache
  89. *.stTheme.cache
  90. *.sublime-workspace
  91. *.sublime-project
  92. .phpintel
  93. /api/
  94. # Visual Studio Code
  95. .vscode/
  96. /results/
  97. /phpunit*.xml
  98. /.phpunit.*.cache