<?php namespace Config; class Auth extends \Myth\Auth\Config\Auth { /** * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Default User Group * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * * The name of a group a user will be added to when they register, * i.e. $defaultUserGroup = 'guests'. * * @var string */ public $defaultUserGroup = 'Prestadores'; /** * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Landing Route * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * * This is your landing page (route name) after user success to login, * i.e $landingRoute = 'dashboard'. * * If you set $silent = true the Permission and Role filters will * use this config too for the routing. * * @var string */ public $landingRoute = '/'; /** * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Reserverd Routes * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * * The auth routes config is listed in here and you can customize it, * i.e. $reservedRoutes = ['forgot' => 'forgot-password']. * * Do Not Change The Key!!! Because it's the identity for routing. * * @var array */ public $reservedRoutes = [ 'login' => 'login', 'logout' => 'logout', 'register' => 'register', 'activate-account' => 'activate-account', 'resend-activate-account' => 'resend-activate-account', 'forgot' => 'forgot', 'reset-password' => 'reset-password', // ADMIN AUTH // 'custom_route' => 'custom_route', 'admin_login' => 'admin_login', 'admin_logout' => 'admin_logout', ]; /** * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Libraries * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * * @var array */ public $authenticationLibs = [ 'local' => 'Myth\Auth\Authentication\LocalAuthenticator', ]; /** * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Views used by Auth Controllers * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * * @var array */ public $views = [ 'login' => 'App\Views\Auth\login', 'register' => 'App\Views\Auth\register', 'forgot' => 'App\Views\Auth\forgot', 'reset' => 'App\Views\Auth\reset', 'emailForgot' => 'App\Views\Auth\emails\forgot', 'emailActivation' => 'App\Views\Auth\emails\activation', ]; /** * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Layout for the views to extend * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * * @var string */ public $viewLayout = 'App\Views\Auth\layout'; /** * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Authentication * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Fields that are available to be used as credentials for login. * * @var string[] */ public $validFields = [ 'email', ]; /** * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Additional Fields for "Nothing Personal" * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * * The `NothingPersonalValidator` prevents personal information from * being used in passwords. The email and username fields are always * considered by the validator. Do not enter those field names here. * * An extend User Entity might include other personal info such as * first and/or last names. `$personalFields` is where you can add * fields to be considered as "personal" by the NothingPersonalValidator. * * For example: * $personalFields = ['firstname', 'lastname']; * * @var string[] */ public $personalFields = []; /** * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Password / Username Similarity * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Among other things, the NothingPersonalValidator checks the * amount of sameness between the password and username. * Passwords that are too much like the username are invalid. * * The value set for $maxSimilarity represents the maximum percentage * of similarity at which the password will be accepted. In other words, any * calculated similarity equal to, or greater than $maxSimilarity * is rejected. * * The accepted range is 0-100, with 0 (zero) meaning don't check similarity. * Using values at either extreme of the *working range* (1-100) is * not advised. The low end is too restrictive and the high end is too permissive. * The suggested value for $maxSimilarity is 50. * * You may be thinking that a value of 100 should have the effect of accepting * everything like a value of 0 does. That's logical and probably true, * but is unproven and untested. Besides, 0 skips the work involved * making the calculation unlike when using 100. * * The (admittedly limited) testing that's been done suggests a useful working range * of 50 to 60. You can set it lower than 50, but site users will probably start * to complain about the large number of proposed passwords getting rejected. * At around 60 or more it starts to see pairs like 'captain joe' and 'joe*captain' as * perfectly acceptable which clearly they are not. * * * To disable similarity checking set the value to 0. * public $maxSimilarity = 0; * * @var int */ public $maxSimilarity = 50; /** * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Allow User Registration * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * * When enabled (default) any unregistered user may apply for a new * account. If you disable registration you may need to ensure your * controllers and views know not to offer registration. * * @var bool */ public $allowRegistration = true; /** * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Require Confirmation Registration via Email * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * * When enabled, every registered user will receive an email message * with an activation link to confirm the account. * * @var string|null Name of the ActivatorInterface class */ public $requireActivation = 'Myth\Auth\Authentication\Activators\EmailActivator'; /** * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Allow Password Reset via Email * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * * When enabled, users will have the option to reset their password * via the specified Resetter. Default setting is email. * * @var string|null Name of the ResetterInterface class */ public $activeResetter = 'Myth\Auth\Authentication\Resetters\EmailResetter'; /** * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Allow Persistent Login Cookies (Remember me) * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * * While every attempt has been made to create a very strong protection * with the remember me system, there are some cases (like when you * need extreme protection, like dealing with users financials) that * you might not want the extra risk associated with this cookie-based * solution. * * @var bool */ public $allowRemembering = false; /** * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Remember Length * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * * The amount of time, in seconds, that you want a login to last for. * Defaults to 30 days. * * @var int */ public $rememberLength = 30 * DAY; /** * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Error handling * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * * If true, will continue instead of throwing exceptions. * * @var bool */ public $silent = false; /** * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Encryption Algorithm to Use * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Valid values are * - PASSWORD_DEFAULT (default) * - PASSWORD_BCRYPT * - PASSWORD_ARGON2I - As of PHP 7.2 only if compiled with support for it * - PASSWORD_ARGON2ID - As of PHP 7.3 only if compiled with support for it * * If you choose to use any ARGON algorithm, then you might want to * uncomment the "ARGON2i/D Algorithm" options to suit your needs * * @var int|string */ public $hashAlgorithm = PASSWORD_DEFAULT; /** * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * ARGON2i/D Algorithm options * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * * The ARGON2I method of encryption allows you to define the "memory_cost", * the "time_cost" and the number of "threads", whenever a password hash is * created. * * This defaults to a value of 10 which is an acceptable number. * However, depending on the security needs of your application * and the power of your hardware, you might want to increase the * cost. This makes the hashing process takes longer. */ /** * @var int */ public $hashMemoryCost = 2048; // PASSWORD_ARGON2_DEFAULT_MEMORY_COST; /** * @var int */ public $hashTimeCost = 4; // PASSWORD_ARGON2_DEFAULT_TIME_COST; /** * @var int */ public $hashThreads = 4; // PASSWORD_ARGON2_DEFAULT_THREADS; /** * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Password Hashing Cost * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * * The BCRYPT method of encryption allows you to define the "cost" * or number of iterations made, whenever a password hash is created. * This defaults to a value of 10 which is an acceptable number. * However, depending on the security needs of your application * and the power of your hardware, you might want to increase the * cost. This makes the hashing process takes longer. * * Valid range is between 4 - 31. * * @var int */ public $hashCost = 10; /** * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Minimum Password Length * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * * The minimum length that a password must be to be accepted. * Recommended minimum value by NIST = 8 characters. * * @var int */ public $minimumPasswordLength = 8; /** * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Password Check Helpers * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * * The PasswordValidator class runs the password through all of these * classes, each getting the opportunity to pass/fail the password. * * You can add custom classes as long as they adhere to the * Password\ValidatorInterface. * * @var string[] */ public $passwordValidators = [ 'Myth\Auth\Authentication\Passwords\CompositionValidator', 'Myth\Auth\Authentication\Passwords\NothingPersonalValidator', 'Myth\Auth\Authentication\Passwords\DictionaryValidator', // 'Myth\Auth\Authentication\Passwords\PwnedValidator', ]; /** * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Activator classes * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Available activators with config settings * * @var array */ public $userActivators = [ 'Myth\Auth\Authentication\Activators\EmailActivator' => [ 'fromEmail' => null, 'fromName' => null, ], ]; /** * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Resetter Classes * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Available resetters with config settings * * @var array */ public $userResetters = [ 'Myth\Auth\Authentication\Resetters\EmailResetter' => [ 'fromEmail' => null, 'fromName' => null, ], ]; /** * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Reset Time * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * * The amount of time that a password reset-token is valid for, * in seconds. * * @var int */ public $resetTime = 3600; }