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phpunit.xml.dist 2.0KB

hace 2 años
  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2. <phpunit xmlns:xsi=""
  3. bootstrap="vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Test/bootstrap.php"
  4. backupGlobals="false"
  5. colors="true"
  6. convertErrorsToExceptions="true"
  7. convertNoticesToExceptions="true"
  8. convertWarningsToExceptions="true"
  9. stopOnError="false"
  10. stopOnFailure="false"
  11. stopOnIncomplete="false"
  12. stopOnSkipped="false"
  13. xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
  14. <coverage includeUncoveredFiles="true" processUncoveredFiles="true">
  15. <include>
  16. <directory suffix=".php">./app</directory>
  17. </include>
  18. <exclude>
  19. <directory suffix=".php">./app/Views</directory>
  20. <file>./app/Config/Routes.php</file>
  21. </exclude>
  22. <report>
  23. <clover outputFile="build/logs/clover.xml"/>
  24. <html outputDirectory="build/logs/html"/>
  25. <php outputFile="build/logs/coverage.serialized"/>
  26. <text outputFile="php://stdout" showUncoveredFiles="false"/>
  27. </report>
  28. </coverage>
  29. <testsuites>
  30. <testsuite name="App">
  31. <directory>./tests</directory>
  32. </testsuite>
  33. </testsuites>
  34. <logging>
  35. <testdoxHtml outputFile="build/logs/testdox.html"/>
  36. <testdoxText outputFile="build/logs/testdox.txt"/>
  37. <junit outputFile="build/logs/logfile.xml"/>
  38. </logging>
  39. <php>
  40. <server name="app.baseURL" value=""/>
  41. <!-- Directory containing phpunit.xml -->
  42. <const name="HOMEPATH" value="./"/>
  43. <!-- Directory containing the Paths config file -->
  44. <const name="CONFIGPATH" value="./app/Config/"/>
  45. <!-- Directory containing the front controller (index.php) -->
  46. <const name="PUBLICPATH" value="./public/"/>
  47. <!-- Database configuration -->
  48. <!-- Uncomment to provide your own database for testing
  49. <env name="database.tests.hostname" value="localhost"/>
  50. <env name="database.tests.database" value="tests"/>
  51. <env name="database.tests.username" value="tests_user"/>
  52. <env name="database.tests.password" value=""/>
  53. <env name="database.tests.DBDriver" value="MySQLi"/>
  54. <env name="database.tests.DBPrefix" value="tests_"/>
  55. -->
  56. </php>
  57. </phpunit>